Amidst the ritz and glitz of the Oscars tomorrow night, I’ll be thinking back to my favorite movie-going moments. When I was a real cinophile -and I was, believe it or not (my degree in Film isn’t for naught) – I’d make a point of going out to see each and every film nominated in nearly every category, with writing, design, and editing being favorites. I remember leaping out of my skin with joy with Eiko Ishioka won for her beautiful, sexy costumes for Dracula; I loved those outfits so much I bought the accompanying film book, complete with sketches. When I saw Sleepy Hollow, the first thing I noted afterwards was its incredible art direction; I predicted then it would win in that category, and sure enough, Rick Heinrichs (art director) and Peter Young (set decorator) were awarded well-earned little shiny golden men.
Last year when I saw A Single Man, I was so moved, I literally couldn’t bring into words the beautiful combination of dialogue, cinematography, and music I experienced while watching it, but I was sure Colin Firth richly deserved an Oscar for it. I was also sure he wouldn’t win.
The Hollywood we’ll see tomorrow night on the red carpet -in all its floor draper, shoulder-baring, spray-tanned, primped-up glory -isn’t the reality, and everyone knows that, and no one cares. And really, it doesn’t matter anyway. What matters is celebrating the image we’re being sold. On a personal level, that parade of glitz and glam wasn’t why I fell in love with movies. The dance of light, shadow, colour, and texture with words, sounds, tones, and finally, silence is, and will always be, magical.
Great blog Catherine. I understand completely where you're coming from – film no longer holds the same appeal for me these days either, probably because of the availability of DVD so shortly after a new film is released and the fact that I get sick of the advertising on TV and internet – by the time I see it the film has lost all its magic and the experience is diluted, bound to be a disappointment.
I also wonder if it's too much cerebral viewing/listening that sweeps the magic aside with a flourish and, like the voice of my conscience, tells me I should be looking at the realities but maybe I'm just lazy and prefer my viewing delivered to my couch! lol
I intend to see the King's Speech and hope I won't be disappointed or let down by the promises the advertisers make. Social Network was enjoyable and should be compulsory viewing for all FB users! A triumph of IQ over EQ and loyalty. I can't believe that I wound up feeling sorry for Mark Zuckerberg!! He'd probably say that was foolish too…